Tennis British Columbia is our provincial tennis association.
Tennis BC is affiliated with Tennis Canada.
Validate Your Tennis BC Membership
Tennis British Columbia is our provincial tennis association.
Tennis BC is affiliated with Tennis Canada.
Validate Your Tennis BC Membership
1. Go here to Tennis BC website (Membership For Individuals)
2. Click here on the Tennis Canada Tournament Software
3. Click the red "Sign Up" at the top right corner.
4. Click on the Tennis BC logo
5. Read the undertaking and agreement and check "I agree" and click Next
6. Input your personal information in all required boxes.
7. Click "Submit"
8. The system might be able to match your information with pre-loaded data from past
or current membership information. If you are already in the system, click on the
name that is yours. You will then be transferred to another page where you can
create your log-in and password. If no match is found, you will be asked to input
your membership information (location in BC and your Club.
9. Make up an Account ID with at least 8 characters – last name and first name – i.e.
10. Add a password for your account
11. Retype your password
12. Enter your email address
13. Retype the email address
14. Click "Submit"
15. A message will pop up asking you to check your email for account activation.
16. Check your inbox. If not there, check your junk mail.
17. Click on the link to activate your account.
18. You will be asked to log in to your account once your account is activated.
19. Log in with your Account ID and password
20. You will be prompted to pay the membership.
21. If you are a member of a Full Member Club (Gold Club or where your club pays your
membership fee for you), the system may not yet recognize your membership.
DON’T PAY, simply email membership@tennisbc.org with
your Full Name, new 8-digit Member ID and Club Name A Membership
Coordinator will verify and validate your account so the payment status is changed.
Your membership will be activated once we confirm your membership status.
22. Once your membership is validated, you will be able to sign up for tournaments or
events that require membership
Everyone is required to create and activate their online account through this new system.
MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR , WENDY CAMPBELL membership@peninsulatennisclub.ca